Friday, March 23, 2012


The residents of the 180th District must not continue to vote for Angel Cruz, the incumbent State Representative from the 180th District or Jonathan Ramos who has lost to him on two occasions. The 2010 election declared Angel Cruz a winner over Ramos by a mere 124 votes. Anyone would have demanded a recount and followed through until the end. Mr. Ramos chose not to, perhaps because of his dealings with Renee Tartaglione. In addition, Mr. Ramos has shown that he also doesn’t have the integrity to win by merit against Angel Cruz, so Mr. Ramos resorts to illegal acts instead.

Fact: Mr. Ramos, as you will remember in 2010, was involved in attempting to unseat Angel Cruz by cheating. He received resources from Ms. Renee Tartaglione, a city worker which she and Mr. Ramos knew was "highly inappropriate." Tartaglione would eventually resign from her post. Ramos rode off into the sunset not to be heard of again, until now, 30 days before the 2012 primary election.

Further, Jonathan Ramos has done absolutely nothing for the residents in the 180th District. You can bet the farm that the only time you know Jonathan Ramos resides in the 180th District is during election time; which is every two years.

In essence, a vote for Jonathan Ramos is a vote for Angel Cruz.

It would be an honor to represent the 180th District as state representative, but I will not sacrifice my integrity, honor or self-worth to do so.

Anthony P. Johnson, Candidate for State Representative, 180th District, 2012

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