Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"The Same Old Song and Dance?"

Have the residents of the 180th District had enough of the drama, race baiting and in-fighting among elected officials?

Are you sick & tired of being neglected when it comes to the services that are NOT being provided to you?

While "politics as usual" is alive and well in the 180th district, everyday citizens with real problems and concerns are being ignored and left behind by "politicians" who are more interested in fighting with each other than they are in fighting to attain the services that this community so desperately needs.

Are you going to allow the race of a candidate determine your future?  If your current elected officials are not doing the job that YOU elected them to do, they need to be "fired"- VOTE THEM OUT!  Yes, the 180th district IS 68% Latino, but that leaves 32% of a community that is NOT being represented properly.  This is not about race, but residents can no longer afford to sit idly by and allow people who are not for the "greater good" of an entire community to run their politically corrupt games and continue to fight each other at every turn.  It is time to UNIFY the community, not continue to tear it apart.

What the future of the 180th district must have is an elected official who is dedicated to serving the needs and concerns of ALL of the residents of the district and not the same old song and dance- It is time to leave "politics as usual" in the 180th district's past.   If elected, Anthony P. Johnson is an individual who will be working for you and not the "special interests" who do not represent you or your specific needs.

Anthony P. Johnson is a progressive candidate who is leading a grass-roots campaign to protest the lack of government responses to the issues of the neighborhood.

“Our community is plagued by unemployment, high-school students dropping out, violence on the streets, and drug dealers intimidating the good people who want a positive quality of life here. The current politicians have brought nothing to our area. It is time for us to stand together as unified citizens and demand better for our families and future generations. I am not a politician—I am a Human Services professional who is dedicated to changing the quality of life for the people in this community."

-Anthony P. Johnson, Candidate for State Representative
180th Legislative District

Terri L. Willmott, Campaign Manager
Communications Director

Friends of Anthony P. Johnson 4 State Rep. PA 180-2012

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